Russell C. Kick, Ph.D.               Self Improvement                Third Millennium Publishing

Russell C. Kick, Ph.D.


The Key to Self-Discovery

The Key to Self-Discovery presents and teaches The Holistic Way, a new application of the systems thinking that is enhancing our understanding of our world and ourselves, and improving the quality of life. The Holistic Way, a modern and innovative approach to self-discovery, self-development and life mastery, is a system consisting of twelve guides, self-empowering music and visual tools designed to be easy to learn and fulfilling to use.


The Key to Self-Discovery focuses upon realizing life's purpose through powers such as free will, creativity, love imagination and memory, July 5, 2005

Reviewer: Midwest Book Review (Oregon, WI USA)


 $5.00 Electronic Edition

 $14.95 Trade Paperback Edition


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Page was last edited on 11/11/10 07:09:03 AM

Russell C. Kick, Ph.D.

January 1, 2006 to January 1, 2008