Nelani Nettrour              Children's Books               Third Millennium Publishing

Sample Page

The following illustrates a typical page of ANARA ARRIVES, formatted for the INTERNET.

The world of Lamac was a new world—as far as worlds go—when this story begins.  It would see many tales of bravery and woe.  It would see much love and much heartache.  But this is not a tale of those times.  This is a tale of Lamac when it was newly created, before war or sorrow found their way to its doors.  This is a tale of life as it was meant to be lived, of joys that are meant to be shared, of glories to fill the imagination and awaken the dream of what yet could be.

The world of Lamac is not a planet or a group of planets, but a galaxy.  And although Lamac encompassed an entire galaxy it was still one world.  All of the planets, moons, stars, nebulas and clusters were but a part of the whole, easily accessed by its citizens.  While we are aware that we are from the planet Earth, that our galaxy is the Milky Way Galaxy, that does not really impact our lives as much as what is going on in our home town.  For those of Lamac their galaxy was their home town and the enormity of it was natural to its inhabitants.

To look into the night sky on Lamac, was to witness visions to move the heart and inspire the soul.  Anyone who has seen the Northern Lights in full splendor, has seen a glimpse of what Lamac’s skies were like.  Colors danced with life, flickered and flittered, sang in tingles and giggles.  Stars blinked merrily, hinting one moment, the next enlightening the heart to mysteries bound in the Universe itself.  Fragrances scented the air and the wind scattered them around the world lulling the people into restful, healing sleep.

The morning burst forth in vibrant colors, invigorating aromas, warmth that never overpowered or became stifling.  Lamac pulsated with an energy that revitalized its inhabitants, granting the power necessary to accomplish all that was essential and desirable.  Flowers and trees of varieties we can only dream of graced the world.  Scents that speak with their wondrous perfume, granting contentment with a whiff, wafted from the flowers.  Insects did their tasks but did not irritate or aggravate the inhabitants.  It was of all places in the physical Universe one that was most blessed.  Of course because of being so blessed, it was almost inevitable that it would also be envied.  But as I said, that is for another story.



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