Nelani Nettrour              Children's Books               Third Millennium Publishing

Sample Page

The following illustrates a typical page of LIFE'S GARDEN, formatted for the INTERNET.





 “Life's Garden”


My life is like a garden,

A wondrous adventure to live.

Filled with seasons. days and times,

Blessings received and blessings to give.


Times when work needs to be done,

Times when I must rest,

Times of waiting and wondering,

Learning through all that God knows best.


Whether through times easy or hard,

Whether in abundance or in need,

Lessons learned are necessary,

If God's way we are to heed.


So I work and tend my life,

I look to what should be done.

Rejoicing in what is given me.

Trusting God will finish what He's begun.


My life is not for me alone,

Like the gardens that I grow.

But to be shared with those around me,

God's grace and love to show.


Then God's blessed fruits will be seen,

In my life as they should be.

Flourishing in the way I should grow.

Is a thing of true beauty.


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