Nelani Nettrour             Fantasy/Children's Books/Poetry/Nature               Third Millennium Publishing

Fantasy Novels

The Soaring Free Trilogy

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Soaring Free Arcan's Revenge A Fatal Blow Chantra's Awakening

Nelani Nettrour is a writer of fantasy novels, children's books, and poetry, who lives in Northern Wisconsin.

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Soaring Free

Arcan's Revenge

A Fatal Blow

Sometimes more truth can be found in fiction than can be found in more plausible explanations of the unknown. Sometimes dreams have more to say than interpretations would allow. Sometimes love can cross boundaries that were once untraversable.
There was something about the way matters were left that troubled Arista. There was a sense of incompleteness in her dealings with Arcan that worried her. It didn’t seem to have an ending—and without an ending Arista was afraid it was only the beginning.
Life has a way of twisting, shifting—altering even the most well formed plans.  Each is left struggling to find answers to questions they’d never dreamed they would have to face—choices of one, impacting the whole.

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Go to the Arcan's Revenge Page

Go to the A Fatal Blow Page


Chantra's Awakening

Chantra has left her childhood behind, but in so doing has lost touch with that which could save her in the coming days.

Go to the Chantra's Awakening Page


In The Soaring Free Trilogy, Nelani writes beautifully evocative tales of Arista, a woman from a world where flying is as usual as walking.  In Soaring Free she has been cast from that world and must make a new way for herself, with no memory of her other life, only vague stirrings that speak of what was lost.  The story continues in Arcan’s Revenge, with Arcan taking on a forceful role in the circumstances of Arista and those she loves.  The trilogy finishes in A Fatal Blow, where things once thought certain have been shaken up and the outcome lies in unexpected hands.

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Soaring Free Arcan's Revenge A Fatal Blow Chantra's Awakening


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