Nelani Nettrour              Children's Books               Third Millennium Publishing

Steps Sample

“Step by Step”

Step by step,

We walk our life,

Moment by moment,

Through ease and through strife,

We are beginning to be.


Step by step,

Learning as we go along,

Taking life as it comes to us,

Finding out what makes us strong,

We are starting to see.


Step by step,

Into unknown days,

Into unexpected trials,

Through unproven ways,

We begin to understand.


Step by step,

Through darkness and light,

Through happiness and sorrow,

We step from the night,

And begin to comprehend.


Step by step,

Sometimes a slow progress,

Sometimes grasping and stumbling,

At times a backward regress,

And still we grow.


Step by step,

Each step is but one,

Yet our days are made of many,

Continuing until our life is done.

Then we shall truly know.

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