Arthur Rhodes              Alternate History               Third Millennium Publishing

The Last Reich


The Last Reich

America Attacks

The American Militia Strikes Back

America 1960:  After nearly ten years under the control of the victorious Nazi regime, the United States is gripped by economic depression and mired in spiritual despair.  As the oppressed citizens plod through their grim reality of their day-to-day lives, there is a whisper of hope.  The underground movement -- a dauntless network of American patriots -- is preparing a major strike against the hated Blackshirt occupiers.  The weapons are different at the Second Battle of Lexington, but the courage is the same.

 $4.00 Electronic Edition

 $12.50 Trade Paperback Edition


The Last Reich

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Page was last edited on 11/11/10 05:22:23 PM

              Arthur Rhodes

             April 1, 2003 - April 1, 2005