Yomi Akinnola               Religion                Third Millennium Publishing



YOMI AKINNOLA is a vessel called into the Lord’s ministry many years ago. Over the years his teaching ministry has taken him to various church organizations where he organized training seminars for Christians. Building Christians including workers and ministers through corporate church teachings, seminars and conferences remain his primary focus.

He is the Pastor of Christ Apostolic Church, City of David, Lanham in the state of Maryland. This church has no walls of demarcation with other households of faith and it’s a church that is positioned for the 21st century man.

This is his fifth publication. His works include: Nigerian banks: guidelines to bank borrowings (1987); Mortgage Financing (1993); A Century of banking in Nigeria (1994); Let us Worship (1999).

Happily married to Adejoke and blessed with three daughters and a son.





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