Phil Jaffe

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This is the story of recent activity in the Arctic, along with the history of the U.S. Coast Guard ships that have made their way across the Top of the World through the Northwest Passage.

Due to global warning, the Arctic ice flow has almost disappeared  the  past 50 years, and will never look the same again.  

The book is written and photographed by Phil Jaffe, a member of the Northwind crew during its historic 1954 voyage through the Northwest Passage.


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8x10 Tabletop Edition

 $29.95 Trade Paperback Edition

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Ebook Edition

 $10.00 PDF Edition

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U.S. Coast Guard NORTHWIND (1954)

U.S. Coast Guard HEALY (2014)




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Page was last edited on 02/08/15 10:30:57 AM

Phil Jaffe

April 15, 2003 - April 15, 2005