Janet Johnson              Nature                Third Millennium Publishing





Janet Johnson (Jannie) lives in Northern Wisconsin with her husband Pastor Dave in Eagle River, WI.   They have three grown sons, two daughters-in-love, and four wonderful grandchildren.  Jannie started making a Nature Journal with her family and grandchildren in mind, three of whom lived in Kenya, Africa where their parents were missionaries. This is a book written for all ages.

She lives in the country with a big yard surrounded by woods where there is always something happening for those who watch.  It was a way of sharing these things and the ‘Northwood’s Nature Journal’ is the end result of several years’ work.   The drawings and photos are all hers with the exception of a few that are labeled.  Jannie loves gardening, baking, going for walks, drawing and doing things for her precious family and friends.



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Page was last edited on 06/16/14 05:54:45 PM