Russell C. Kick, Ph.D.               Self Improvement                Third Millennium Publishing



Russell C. Kick, Ph.D., CEO and Founder of the Self-Discovery Research Institute, Inc., in 1968 had a near death experience which changed his life. While in the Light, Russell's life's purpose and potential were explained to him, and he was told he would meet soon the woman who was to be his wife.  Two weeks later he met Jane, his future wife, on a business trip; one month later they were married.

Since his wondrous experience in the Light, Russell has researched the farther reaches of human potential and documented the truths he has discovered in his exploration of other realms. Russell has been told that now is the time to begin releasing what he has learned because the world is on the cusp of a great leap forward.

The Key to Self-Discovery, the first book in a series, presents a system of self-discovery, self-development and life mastery created by Russell called The Holistic Way. This book and system is the first realization of his research and life's purpose.      

 A native of Brooklyn New York, Russell earned his Ph.D. at the University of Alabama. He has been a professor, researcher, author and entrepreneur for thirty years and his primary areas of interest include computer science, information technology, systems thinking, education and human potential. His current focus is on the application of online education to elevate humanity and the world and the application of systems thinking and whole brain intelligence to realize individual and organizational potential.

 He lives in Tucson, Arizona with Jane his wife of thirty-seven years.


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