L. L. Morton               Collections / Biography                Third Millennium Publishing

L.L. Morton

“It made me sad, then mad, and finally glad."

"Powerful, affecting. It’s about the Samantha Sue in all of us. I feel like I grew up with her.”

“It doesn’t matter which religion, they all seem to do the same to us.”

“That child just grabs your heart and won’t let go. Things still pop into my mind at the oddest moment, questions about her.”

“I didn’t realize how much sex was connected to religion. It really made me think.”

“It’s about love and forgiveness, courage and winning.”

“Reading it finally washed away all the pent up sadness I carried from losing my own mother. I cried through the first eight chapters. I am okay now, thanks to your book.”

“Impressive personal chronology.”

“I literally raced through the chapters, to the end – a haunting story.”

“I couldn’t put it down. Reminiscent of Ann Frank.”

“The dangers of religiosity cannot be overstated. I hope this story gets told.”

“It shows the subtle sexual religious predilection to which we, in a Judeo/Christian society, are born.”

“Reading your story helped me so much, I wish I could have at least ten copies for my friends.”

“I had to read the therapy chapter again; it was marvelous. How did you ever write it?”

 Samantha’s story will stay with me for a very long time, another Color Purple.”

“How I loved the feeling with which your book left me: so confident in my womanhood. If you made it – I know I can.”


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Page was last edited on 06/24/11 03:17:24 PM

L. L. Morton

October 1, 2003 - October 1, 2005