Dr. Stephen Taylor               Diet                Third Millennium Publishing

Dr. Stephen Taylor

Dr. Taylor's

Thoughtless Weight-Loss

Good Eating Lifestyle Program


Home Testimonial 1 Testimonial 2 Testimonial 3


·       I’m being completely honest and serious with you! Eat right and you’ll clear up many ills, help your digestion, reduce causes of hypo-glycemia and diabetes, and even reduce causes of cancer! Your skin will look better, your eyes will be clearer; your breath will be clean (because your digestion is intimately tied to your scent).

·       Your sex drive will take a huge jump. Bedroom performance and sexual pleasure will improve -- because you’ll have the nutrients and energy (and hormone balance) to sustain that activity. In every way you’ll be healthier!

·       You’ll be more attractive and probably end up happier than you’ve been in years. Your blood pressure and cholesterol problems will clear up without the need for drugs. Your doctor will be amazed. Your friends will be shocked (and probably jealous.)

and yes, my friend....

After 25,000 Years, the Right Eating Advice is Back, and You Can Buy It (cheap)

Online Through Amazon.com and Third Millennium Publishing!

The book is over 68,000 words – well written in proper English and carefully edited. It’s a good quality publication including lots of great recipes you’ll be glad to own for many years! It's complete as is -- there's nothing else you'll need to buy.

You’ll always be happy you ordered it! I know, I am. My friends are too! And by the way – I have so much energy now, my lover says I'm like those "wild Asian girls" he used to know.  ♂♀♥

You can have the slim, energetic, lively, vital, healthy, attractive body you always knew was hidden in there and you can get started in the next few minutes. Stop Suffering! 

Yours for the New Slim YOU!


Julliette Romanov,

Panama City Publishing     

FREE REPORT #1.   Order the book through Amazon.com and also get an EXPANDED copy of his special article Six-Minutes-A-Day To A Perfect Waist. Doc calls it a $15.00 value but I think it's worth a lot more!...

Doc expanded it to include more information and more ideas to help you have a perfect waist without struggling. He has even added an exercise secret known to the ancient Chinese Taoists to strengthen your lower abdomen and give you TEN TIMES MORE PLEASURE WITH YOUR LOVER IN BED! 

I think it's worth a lot more than just $15.00!!  (Whooh! Since I learned this I think it’s priceless!)

He's had this secret sex-exercise locked up in his brain for years! (the sneak...) (I'm tellin' ya' this man was an anatomy-physiology-sex-healthcare genius by age 20.) After he taught me this I was absolutely determined to hang on to this man for life! 

Now, I really hope you're with me about this. I hope that voice in your head is saying, "I need to buy this book today, and change my life!" And it will change your life!


"Dear Dr. Taylor,

 Your book is worth 50 times the price. Just the "allowable foods"  list and the recipes are worth the price. I just ate like you said and the fat just kept coming off without trying and without hunger. I have more sex drive, more strength and energy. I lost 45 pounds. My "belly"  disappeared, I got a  pretty waist again, and my cholesterol came down to normal.

I feel great. My handsome physically fit husband  comes home earlier, and takes me into his arms every night. Big change. Big relief! I'm very thankful! He's reading your book now.

This book and the eating plan have improved my life far more than you promised. Just the lesson in there about internal cleansing was worth ten times the book's price. I'm buying the vitamins you've recommend too. Great work! I hope you'll be around to help us for many years. A. Johannsen, Seattle, Wa.


It’s so EASY to be healthy and slim. In fact, your body is always naturally seeking to be slim. Your eating habits are the cause of your weight problems! Now, you’ll understand and make simple eating and exercise changes that will cause you to thoughtlessly, naturally become slim and stay that way forever.

 Six-Minutes-a-Day To A Perfect Waist really works. You’ll get a waist that is slim and strong and you’ll never do a sit up or a crunch or lift a weight. 

This article shows you ladies how you can exercise to have a waist that men would launch a thousand ships for! It works for men too, and if you’ll do this exercise just 3 minutes, two times a day -- you’ll soon have a mid section women whisper to their friends about! 

And now that the article has been expanded, it's even more effective than what you already have seen. But it's only available when you order the book!

The exercise costs nothing. You don’t need any equipment and it only takes 3-minutes twice a day. You can do it anywhere that you are alone. Your home, office, hotel room. Do it while you fix your hair or watch your breakfast cooking. Do it while you watch the news and make dinner, or while you wait for Internet downloads....  

It's the perfect natural exercise. It’s been done for thousands of years by beautiful exotic and erotic women the world over as an artistic dance, and to attract men. But no one explained how to do it to give you a perfect waist! 

Now Dr. Taylor tells everything, with photos of that pretty young woman demonstrating exactly how to do it….AND WOW – does it ever work!  

It works for men or women, and it’s more effective than any other exercise I know including weight machines, and crunches. You’ll sculpt that tummy to perfection and get even more information than you did when you read through the free article. 

The article is worth at very least $15 all by itself.

FREE REPORT #2 -- A Second FREE Bonus Report:

As a Second FREE BONUS included in our publication sold through Amazon.com with your order Dr. Taylor is including "The Most Powerful Causes of Feminine Cancer and How to Prevent It."  a life saving report about cancer prevention and a revealing related discussion about how we can keep our hormones balanced to stay younger and healthier for life!

 Do you know that the stuff we drink and eat and even the food packaging is making women sick, crazy, and even giving them cancer?  And it’s making men “feminine!” It’s a nightmare! But you can prevent it, and Dr. Taylor explains everything.  

That report alone is worth $25 but it’s FREE to you with this publication through Amazon.com

The program works. It works better than anything you imagined. When you do the program, take the optional supplements he recommends, and do the other secret “internal cleansing procedure” he teaches in the book --  you get  physically younger! It's just as he says. A few minutes of easy exercise and the right nutrition, and you'll get great results. Everybody does!


Doc's Offering A Report Everyone Should Have. This One Really Might Save Your Life!!!

Doc revived his Winter Advice article and it's better than ever. He tells all about Foods in your kitchen cabinets That Can Heal And Prevent Disease and he titled it: 

Natural Antibiotics --Flu Season Saviors

Every year we get Christmas and flu season again and last year an incredible 30,000 American's died from the flu. Everyone panicked for a while when we have a major shortage of flu vaccine. This report could literally save your life or the life of someone you love. And Dr. Taylor insists that you have it FREE when your order his book.

You'll learn about many herbs and spices that you might have in your kitchen right now that have been proven in university laboratories to kill germs and help prevent disease. We employ these every day and no one around our homes and business has been sick for years. You want to know what these are too, don't you? Order the book now -- and the report, (well worth $20.00), is yours FREE.

In Summary

1)     The complete EXPANDED Report  "Six-Minutes-a-Day To A Perfect Waist" (a $15. Value) 


 2) "The Most Powerful Causes of Feminine Cancer and How to Prevent It"… (value $25)


 3) "Natural Antibiotics Flu Season Saviors".... (a $20. value)

 You'll Get fully $60 in Valuable REPORTS 

worth more than their price....

ALL FREE in this special edition sold through Amazon.com


  Hi Dr. Taylor,

 My name is Charlotte. I've been "fat" since I was ten years old and I tried lots of diets that didn't work. I couldn't change. I turned age 18 and still looked fat. Then I saw an ad and bought your book. I Love It. I've lost 27 pounds and I still think I'm gona lose another 8 or 10 but so far you can see the results. After 6 months (age 19 now) I went from "fat" to "cute" and no other book or plan helped me like yours. The boys pay attention to me now. I'm never hungry. I eat often and feel full of energy. I sleep better now. My emotions are calmer, I can concentrate on my studies better. I'm getting a doctor's help to wean myself off of Ritalin. I never realized what good food vs bad foods could do to someone's physical and mental health! I feel so much better about myself. What a difference you have made in my life! Thanks for all of your help. Charlotte J., Spring Hill, Florida


 $11.95 Electronic Edition

 $24.95 Trade Paperback Edition


Go to Thoughtless Weight-Loss


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Page was last edited on 11/11/10 06:15:28 PM

Dr. Stephen Taylor

October 1, 2003 - October 1, 2005