A. C. Johnson               Mystery                Third Millennium Publishing

A. C. Johnson


Martha McBride: "Judge and Jury"

A Trust Betrayed

Jason, a forty-four-year-old man living in Metropolitan Montana, has been in search of a true friend.  He finds a 13-year-old boy named Michael McBride in which to confide a long hidden secret.  He discovers that Michael has betrayed his secret when he finds the boy and his girl friend laughing behind his back.

As seven witnesses tell their version of the story, a long hidden letter comes to light.  Martha McBride, Michael’s mother, decides to wage legal war against Jason on the most serious of all possible charges.


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Page was last edited on 11/10/10 07:38:26 AM

A. C. Johnson

October 1, 2003 - October 1, 2005