Third Millennium Publishing
Les Rogers
Copyright, Purchase Agreement, and Software License
Third Millennium Publishing is one of the first virtual
bookstores on the INTERNET where the authors are also the publishers. As
such, it is both an experiment and an exercise in faith. The products you
obtain here are a hybrid: part software, part literary work. As such, they
are much more easily duplicated than traditional forms of books. If people
ignore our intellectual property rights by freely duplicating either the
electronic or paper versions of the books they purchase here, then the
experiment will fail and your reading choices will continue to be restricted
to what you can find in your local bookstore or airport magazine rack. To
prevent this, we ask that you take care not to violate these rights and that
you abide by the following purchase agreement and software license. If you
do not wish to abide by these terms, then please do not download any of the
products for sale here at Third Millennium Publishing.
In plain English, when you buy a book from Third
Millennium Publishing, you purchase the right to possess one (1) electronic
version of the book and one (1) printed copy. You may also have a second
electronic copy, either for archive purposes or for your personal use on a
second computer.
If you become aware of unauthorized copies of any of Les Rogers's book in either electronic or hardcopy form, we
would appreciate learning the details. Please send an email to
Copyright Notice
All rights are reserved. The electronic copy or
printout of any of the works offered for sale by Third Millennium Publishing
are LICENSED SOFTWARE PRODUCTS as defined in this Purchasing Agreement and
Software License. Failure to comply with this agreement and copyright
may result in civil liability and penalties. Products are provided as
is without any express or implied warranty. The user accepts all
responsibility and liability for the use of this product.
Third Millennium Publishing Purchasing Agreement and
Software License:
The products purchased from Third Millennium Publishing
are electronic copies of literary works which are covered by United States
and/or Canada copyright law, and international treaty. As such, the
electronic forms are also copyrighted materials. Because the
technology associated with the electronic distribution of data makes
duplication much easier than with printed forms of these works, the
purchaser agrees to take special precautions to ensure that this material is
not duplicated, distributed, or otherwise disseminated, except as
specifically stated in this purchasing agreement. For the purposes of
this agreement, the electronic file containing the literary work is
considered a LICENSED SOFTWARE PRODUCT that is leased rather than sold.
This Purchasing Agreement and Software License is a
legal agreement between you (the individual purchaser) and Third Millennium
Publishing/Les Rogers. By purchasing, downloading, installing,
copying, printing, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree to be
bound by the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree, you must refrain
from using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, either in electronic or printed form.
1. Grant of License
You may install and use one copy of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT
on a single computer. The primary user of that computer may make
one additional copy for either archive purposes or for use on a second
computer, so long as reasonable care is taken that both copies are not in
use simultaneously.
You may print one copy of the literary work contained in
the SOFTWARE PRODUCT onto paper or other permanent medium. Should that
copy become damaged, lost, or unusable for any reason, you may make a
replacement copy, so long as reasonable care is taken to ensure that only a
single copy remains in existence at any given time.
You may not alter the literary work, copyright notice,
or software license contained in the SOFTWARE PRODUCT in any way.
© 2000-2010, Third Millennium Publishing, All Rights Reserved
Michael McCollum, CEO
PO Box 14026
Tempe, AZ 85284-0068
Third Millennium Publishing is a division of SFAZ Technologies and Sci Fi -
Arizona, Inc.
Page was last edited on
11/11/10 05:26:26 PM