Richard Ashton               Horticultural/Gardening                Third Millennium Publishing

Richard Ashton



Of all the ‘stone fruit’ plums are the most diverse. There are many species of native plums here in North America and many old world plums have been imported. These diverse species and varieties have great differences in fruit and tree characteristics. There are Japanese, Green Gage, Prune, Mirabelle, Damson, Sole, Cherry and Native American plums, just to name a few. 

With plum breeding going on around North America, in the last century, there has been a great expansion in the number of plum varieties. This book combines the old plum varieties with the newer hybrid varieties in a descriptive list. In addition, descriptions of interspecific hybrids – plumcots and plum rootstocks are included.

We present to you over 1,000 descriptions of plum varieties, interspecific hybrids and plum rootstocks, along with recommendations for various growing areas. The appendices showcase plums in 143 color illustrations.


 $11.50 Electronic Edition

 $34.95 Trade Paperback Edition


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Richard Ashton

October 1, 2003 - October 1, 2005